Thursday 27 August 2015

Audible, Seabiscuit and remarkable!

In the previous post I asked the question "what product or service have you encountered recently that is remarkable?". A clear favourite to answer that question, for me at least,  is I love Audible - "talking books" are a wonderful way for me to be able to "read" while doing something else - exercising at the gym, walking our dog or commuting to work. Being stuck in traffic is such a waste of time. Yet when I am listening to a good book, I have been known to look out of my office window and see the traffic building on the motorway on ramp. I then figure if I stay at work for an extra 10 minutes I will get an extra 20 minutes in the car to listen to the next "installment". I recently did this with "The Boys in the Boat" by Daniel James Brown - the story of a rowing eight from Washington State University who make it to the 1936 Olympics. Listening to the narrative of the final was so exciting - then I went straight onto youtube to watch actual footage of the race. I then did the same listening to Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenrand - this time staying in the University Car park to listen to a horse race commentary from the book and then race up to my office to watch the actual race, from the 1930s, on youtube. And if you don't know much about Laura Hillenbrand,  check out this article from the NY Times magazine - Hillenbrand has written the NY times best sellers Seabiscuit and Unbroken, with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which means she barely leaves her home.  Her journey is both life affirming and remarkable! 

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