Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Where do good ideas come from?

I am currently teaching a third year undergraduate class in Entrepreneurship. One of the activities I ask students to do is to send me resources they have found on line about entrepreneurship. This semester a group sent me a link to this youtube clip by RSA animate on Steven Johnson's book "Where do good ideas come from? "

If you haven't seen it, do check it out. While its only about 4 minutes long, be prepared to spend another couple of hours watching other RSA Animates - but more of that in another blog. It is a clip I had seen before but was delighted to be reminded again of the power of the combination of pictures and words. This particular animate highlights so many things that link with Entrepreneurship - creativity, innovation and my favorite  "the slow hunch". Ideas often need time to incubate and collide with other hunches "lurking in someone else's mind". I have a slow hunch that I am working on at the moment and love the collisions it is having with ideas lurking around in the heads of some amazingly talented people I know.  A reminder that opportunities don't always shout, they sometimes whisper ... (thanks Murray -

And of course it has reminded me, yet again, that many good ideas come from my students - and how thankful I am to be working at a University which has an abundance of talent coming through its doors every day :)

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